Sunday, August 8, 2010

We Remember Them- from Debra

Thank you Debra for sending me the following, it is beautiful and it touched my heart


At the rising of the sun and at its going down,
we remember them.

At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,
we remember them.

At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring,
we remember them.

At the shining of the sun and in the warmth of summer,
we remember them.

At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn,
we remember them.

As long as we live, they too will live;
for they are now apart of us,
as we remember them.

When we are weary and in need of strength,
we remember them.

When we are lost and sick at heart,
we remember them.

When we have joy we crave to share,
we remember them.

When we have decisions that are difficult to make,
we remember them.

When we have achievements that are based on theirs,
we remember them.

As long as we live, they too will live;
for they are now a part of us,
as we remember them.

to our loved ones

I am honoring the 7th day of my father's death with a rumi poem;

You think you are alive
because you breathe air?
Shame on you,
that you are alive in such a limited way.
Don't be without Love,
so you won't feel dead.
Die in Love and stay alive forever.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I am the child of the universe

I played a song for dad every morning for a week before he passed away, yesterday I played it again, here it is


Here is a little history of a greater mystery
I’m reading this story into my own.
If it isn’t what you are use to and maybe if you choose to
and if it will amuse you then you’ll sing along.

Cause I am as old as the universe
I have been here before and I’ll be here again.
I am a child of the universe
I am part of all women and part of all men
part of all women and part of all men.

Once upon a sometime and once upon a somewhere
once upon a somehow, there was a Big Bang.
Energy revolving and energy dissolving
energy evolving and that’s what I am.

I am as old as the universe......

I am just a flower that blossoms for an hour
but in me there’s a power that blows on and on.
Power in the roots of me, power in the shoots of me
power on the fruits that will pass my seed on.

I am as old as the universe......

I am not a nobody, I am not just somebody
I’m a cell in one body filling all space.
And everything I should be and everything I would be
and everything I could be is here in this place.

I am as old as the universe......

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dad's Funeral

The morning was busy. Despite the fact that the gatering was for a loss, there was such peace and abundance in the house. My cousins came from Antalya, they drove all night, Sinan's friends were here, mom friend came. The care takers were in the kitchen making tea, preparing breakfast. What a magical morning, all these people came to honor the death of a loved one. The house stayed busy till the time of the funeral. Hugs, more hugs, kisses, words of love and praise filled up the house, tea was a sign of abundance, Rosa made tea after tea served it with pastries, cookies, rice and beef, baklava...

Mom was sad and well sedated so she was quiet and digesting. The funeral was sacred and rich, it was full of people from my childhood, my past. Everybody came to pay his respects. I am grateful..Just like your heart dad... your funeral was so rich with love.

The burial was profound for me. That is when I realized that was a final goodbye. I sent him some healing again, put his rose quartz crystal with him. Asked the angels to help his transition. I blew love and light to the soil that covered him.

Goodbye Dad.. May you be in peace in your new journey, may love and light guide this new journey, may your angels surround you with their love. I honor you, I bless you

Dad and I -last goodbye in the house

I was outside when I heard the news yesterday, I rushed home. Rosa had invited Mom's friends to keep her busy to avoid a hysterical mom moment. I came in, and I went directly to the room, I cloed the door. Dad's body was on the bed. I hugged his stiff body, kissed his face, cried for a while then I started my work with prayers and chanting.

I called all the powers of light, all the angels and archangels, and the sun and the moon, and mother earth, father sky, ascended masters and I asked all the sacred of the sacred to be there to help him with the transition,I sent energy for a smooth transition and I did some angelic chanting..

Then I honored his journey in this lifetime, all the moments of his life, all his relationships, all his spoken and non spoken words, all his emotions, of his co-creations, his impacts and his lessons...

By the time I was finished there was such accomplishment came over me. I left the room, took a shower and went to the living room to hug mom

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dad Passed away this afternoon-pls keep him in your prayers

A Gift From Dad

I feel that the last gift my father has given me is to allow me see what a person's transition is, and what happens to the person's soul.
The last couple days the house is full with ancestors visiting dad, I look inside his bedroom and it is filled with visitors from the other side. I see my grandparents and Dudu-his mother like the other days is reading the Qoran by his bed side. There are some faces I never met this lifetime, I was either too young and they didn't reincarnate.

I look at Dad's soul, to me it looks like only maybe 20 % is holding onto the body, it is like a flying object that is holding onto a body. When a human being is alive I can see that a major part of his soul is in his body, when it is transition time, the soul starts his journey of separation.

A human body is amazing mechanism, I see his breathing, slow but determined to get the air in.
He is very close.. I sat with him last night and talked to him and to his soul for final good-byes