Monday, August 2, 2010

Dad and I -last goodbye in the house

I was outside when I heard the news yesterday, I rushed home. Rosa had invited Mom's friends to keep her busy to avoid a hysterical mom moment. I came in, and I went directly to the room, I cloed the door. Dad's body was on the bed. I hugged his stiff body, kissed his face, cried for a while then I started my work with prayers and chanting.

I called all the powers of light, all the angels and archangels, and the sun and the moon, and mother earth, father sky, ascended masters and I asked all the sacred of the sacred to be there to help him with the transition,I sent energy for a smooth transition and I did some angelic chanting..

Then I honored his journey in this lifetime, all the moments of his life, all his relationships, all his spoken and non spoken words, all his emotions, of his co-creations, his impacts and his lessons...

By the time I was finished there was such accomplishment came over me. I left the room, took a shower and went to the living room to hug mom

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