Monday, August 2, 2010

Dad's Funeral

The morning was busy. Despite the fact that the gatering was for a loss, there was such peace and abundance in the house. My cousins came from Antalya, they drove all night, Sinan's friends were here, mom friend came. The care takers were in the kitchen making tea, preparing breakfast. What a magical morning, all these people came to honor the death of a loved one. The house stayed busy till the time of the funeral. Hugs, more hugs, kisses, words of love and praise filled up the house, tea was a sign of abundance, Rosa made tea after tea served it with pastries, cookies, rice and beef, baklava...

Mom was sad and well sedated so she was quiet and digesting. The funeral was sacred and rich, it was full of people from my childhood, my past. Everybody came to pay his respects. I am grateful..Just like your heart dad... your funeral was so rich with love.

The burial was profound for me. That is when I realized that was a final goodbye. I sent him some healing again, put his rose quartz crystal with him. Asked the angels to help his transition. I blew love and light to the soil that covered him.

Goodbye Dad.. May you be in peace in your new journey, may love and light guide this new journey, may your angels surround you with their love. I honor you, I bless you

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