Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Gift From Dad

I feel that the last gift my father has given me is to allow me see what a person's transition is, and what happens to the person's soul.
The last couple days the house is full with ancestors visiting dad, I look inside his bedroom and it is filled with visitors from the other side. I see my grandparents and Dudu-his mother like the other days is reading the Qoran by his bed side. There are some faces I never met this lifetime, I was either too young and they didn't reincarnate.

I look at Dad's soul, to me it looks like only maybe 20 % is holding onto the body, it is like a flying object that is holding onto a body. When a human being is alive I can see that a major part of his soul is in his body, when it is transition time, the soul starts his journey of separation.

A human body is amazing mechanism, I see his breathing, slow but determined to get the air in.
He is very close.. I sat with him last night and talked to him and to his soul for final good-byes

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