Monday, July 26, 2010

3 wiseman-love,wisdom and truth

Everyday I stayed at Suzi's spacious peaceful apartment, I took a walk at the hiking path behind the house. This gated community had everything in it, including couple of fountains and a long beautiful hiking path. Everyday in between sessions I either sat by the fountains and watched the life giving splashes of water or took a walk by the woods.

It was a joy to sit on the grass and watch the sun going down or to shake the apple tree to get some free apples or to smell exquisite flowers and occasionally to hug some trees..
One day as I was walking I came at the very end of the hiking path where nobody normally would go, this was the place they also kept new stuff to plant. In one corner I was guided to go to an area where 3 pine trees had created a triangle where it looked like a little shelter.

I was guided to go in, I sat on the ground inside the triangle. Felt sacred..I did some prayers and chanting. The 3 pine trees spirit came to me as guides; they were love,wisdom and truth. The love tree gave me a little from that sacred ground to carry with me, the wisdom tree gave me a fresh pine smell to breath into my lungs to help Dad's lungs, the truth tree gave me a piece of bark remind me we all come from nature and go back to nature.

Then an Indian spirit guide sat in front of me, he was wearing a deer skin jacket with red beads, he had three feathers on his head. He said to me "time to let him go, he is safe.... ancestors are here, they are helping, they will take care of him, he needs his peace now, you help him cross, I will guide you"
God give me the serenity to accept it.. I am grateful..and sad...

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