Thursday, July 29, 2010


The last 2 weeks have been the decision making cycle of this whole process. First Dad has got fever, I called his MD, he said have him take fever reducers. He couldn't swallow them, fever continued, then he slowed down in his food intake, then he got jaundice then his left hand got very swollen.

We called 5 doctors and each said something different, one offered taking him to ER, another one said he needs to have a stomach tube, another one a tube down his throat, another one feeding him with fluids thru IV..

So many decisions.. what do you want dad?? do you want to go to the hospital, stay home, be fed by a tube... I sat by his bed to go into his energy field. I was determined not to make this decision on my own... I called for guidance and asked to see his heart... As I sat quietly I heard "close your eyes", as soon as I did, Dad and I were sitting up in the air as if there was a confortable carpet and I was sitting on one side and he was on the other. He looked very tired..He said to me "I want to be here..with all of you, no hospital , only my bed and don't force my body into feeding me more, when the time comes I will be ready"
No Dad this is very difficult.. you need to eat more.. uneasiness, discomfort,a knot on my throat,tears....
Help......his wiseman-a guide appeared, such peace.., he said to me "YOU are looking for relief, let it go and accept the decision" Strange feeling in my heart, no relief.. accept it Naz there is such grace and wisdom coming from his energy

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