Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dad has gotten worse

My biggest lessons have been coming from watching dad and listening to mom.
I am with my inner child and my healer in me on a regular basis. I hold little Naz every morning and at night, and I tell the healer in me to let the daughter come out more at times since she is looking for closure.
I feel that what we go through with transitioning parents doest not feel like anything else and that our soul's journey changes deeply at those times. What I have seen in one month is worth a lifetime...

Dad has gotten worse, since I arrived, he sleeps all the time, has no energy, can not speak clearly, can only eat soups.. He is drifting away... Mom with dementia thinks dad is actually her dad and calls him by my grandfather's name. How devastating that must be for dad whose mind is still clear.

When dad is sleeping I sit in the room with him, I put my crystals around and I do prayers. I see Dudu(dad's mom) by his bed side, I was very close to my grandmother and I miss her very much. Dudu comes to my father quite often, I see her sitting by his feet and reading from Quran regularly.

I look at Dad with the intention of seeing him. Who is this human being, what are his accomplishments, his losses, his gains and losses, his regrets, his fears... What did he learn from life, what was his souls purpose.. As I am asking these questions I feel the energy of my father filling up the room. great.. open up dad.. you have been so close in your whole life, open up, I SEE YOU DAD... and I LOVE YOU

1 comment:

  1. Naz, this is a most beautiful lesson in healing, love and acceptance. My heart goes out to you in your stay with you parents during this period of transition. Love, Jeanne
